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HAPPY GANGJIN Shared Happiness of County People in Gangjin
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Hasami, Japan

  • Location: Hasami-cho, Higashisonogi District, Nagasaki Prefacture, Japan
  • Land Area: 55.97㎢
  • Population: 14,296
  • Administrative Organizations: 11 divisions (105), congressmen (16)
  • Climate: Similar to Korea
  • Characteristics- There are approximately 400 porcelain related businesses and approximately 2,000 porcelain related workers in Cho (町).- Approximately 13% of everyday dishes at ordinary homes in Japan are made from Hasami-cho.- Has distinctive character from porcelain made from neighboring Arita-cho, Saga Prefacture
  • Background of Exchange: Hasami-cho is famous for producing everyday porcelain in Japan, and for the common factors in culture and industry of Gangjin, mutual exchange and cooperation ties were entered to seek development of two cities.
  • Major Exchanges
    • Sisterhood Relationship: Since October 20, 2010
    • Exchange Gangjin's celadon and everyday porecelain of Hasami for exhibition and sales
    • Mutually participating in Gangjin Celadon Festival and Hasami-cho Porcelain Festival for cooperation

Snoqualmie, US

  • Location: City government of King County, Washington
  • Area: 13.4㎢ (Land 13.2, Sea 0.2)
  • Population: 13,480 (As of 2019)
  • Climate: Similar to Korea
  • Time Zone: 17 hours slower than Korea
  • Website: http://www.ci.snoqualmie.wa.us
  • Address: Snoqualmie City Hall 38624 SE River St. PO Box 987 Snoqualmie, WA 98065
  • Background of Exchange: During the 2007 Gangjin Celadon's Touring Exhibition in Europe, mayor of Snoqualmie, Washington and governor of Gangjin discussed on sisterhood relationship at the exhibition in Washington D.C.
  • Major Exchanges
    • Sisterhood Relationship: Since January 9, 2010
    • Mutual exchange students between two cities (during summer holiday)

Phung Hiep District, Hau Giang, Vietnam

  • Location: 37km from capital of Hau Giang
  • Address: My Hoa ward, Cay Duong town, Phung Hiep District.
  • Phone (+84) 7113 961 170. Fax (+84) 7113 961 170
  • Administrative Districts: 15 (3 eup, 12 myeon)
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (Triple-cropping of rice in a year)
  • Major Exchanges
    • Friendship Agreement: Since November 5, 2013
    • Visiting support of medical volunteering in Phung Hiep District, Hau Giang

Longquan, China

  • Location: A prefacture-level administrative district in Lishui, Zhejiang
  • Area: 3,059㎢
  • Population: 274,000
  • Administrative Districts: 3 streets, 8 villages, 7 towns
  • Climate: Northern subtropical climate with annual average temperature of 18℃
  • Time Zone: 1 hour slower than Korea
  • Characteristics- There are around 130 celadon companies (5,000 employees) and 4 national celadon ambassadors- The biscuit firing technology of Longquan celadon has been registered as 'Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on UNESCO' (September 30, 2009)
  • Background of Exchange: Sisterhood relationship was entered between Longquan, the source of celadon and Gangjin, the kiln site of Goryeo celadon via "celadon" to promote the development of two cities through mutual exchange.
  • Major Exchanges
    • Sisterhood Relationship: Since April 27, 2001
    • Mutually participating in the Gangjin Celadon Festival and the Longquan Celadon Festival to promote cooperation (mutual exchange and exhibition, etc.)

Gorcum, Netherlands

  • Location: South Holland
  • Area: 21.99㎢
  • Population: 36,682
  • Climate: West coast oceanic climate
  • Time Zone: 8 hours slower than Korea
  • Background of Exchange: Based on the historic fact that 33 sailors of Netherlands including Hamel lived in the Jeolla Naval Fortress for 7 years in 1656 - 1663, to promote friendship through mutual exchange
  • Major Exchanges
    • Sisterhood Relationship: Since October 3, 1998
    • Donation and exhibition of related articles with Hamel Foundation in Netherlands
    • Participation in festivals and Hamel related events as part of exchange